My work is dedicated to helping humans unleash their authentic expression. When I look into the core of your being, I see Light, Beauty, Purpose & Meaning longing to be expressed. I witness dynamics, which obscure that Light, eager to be engaged and evolved. Bring your wisdom, willingness and authenticity. I'll share my shamanic skills, deep bond with Spirit and the transformational power of love.

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Ananaia O'Leary

My life-long love affair with humanity has led me to a deep understanding of the workings of the human psyche, and perhaps more importantly, the authentic nature of the human spirit. Over 25 years of spiritual study and both personal and professional experience I have developed my capacity to perceive the subtle energies and spiritual presence, which operate just below the surface of ordinary perception.  

My journey has taught me that these subtle dynamics shape our lives on every level:  spiritual, mental, emotional and physical.  We may not perceive them consciously, but they impact us concretely.

When we come together, you bring your willingness and wisdom. I utilize my skills as a shaman, healer, visionary and teacher and the transformational power of love to help you heal, evolve, discover and share your medicine gifts. As you release impeding energy patterns and mobilize your authentic gifts, life becomes more vibrant, harmonious and empowered.  Let's collaborate!

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Weekdays 11am-9pm

Sundays 11am-5pm


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