On Jan. 20th @ 9:08 am Eastern, the Sun enters the sign of Aquarius. Aquarian energy calls for world change, but we don’t need to be players on the world stage in order to answer that call. Often our greatest potential for positive impact can be found in our circle of family, friends & community.

Wanna change the world? I invite you to join me for 29 days. From Jan 20th until the Sun moves into Pisces on Feb. 18th, let’s surf this wave of Aquarian Solar power & make the world better. [Coming to this late? No worries. Join us! It’s never too late to change the world.]

If you'd like to join in, it's simpler than you may imagine. Each day, align your intent, open to inspiration & ask yourself: How can I make the world better today? Allow the answers to be accessible & actionable. It doesn’t have to be showy. Quiet actions can be profound. You don't need to pick something different each day, but Aquarius thrives on uniqueness, so be creative.

Reach out to a friend who’s been feeling down. Pick up some trash in your neighborhood. Take some canned or dry goods to your local food pantry. Pick a positive mantra to uplift your mindset. Add a heater to your birdbath. Let someone go ahead of you in line. Take the leap on that volunteer opportunity you’ve contemplating. Make one change in your household that lightens your ecological footprint. Register to vote. Practice patience with that irritating co-worker. Thank a loved one for their presence in your life. Add milkweed or butterfly bush to your garden plans. Learn something that broadens your perspectives or deepens your compassion. Pass this challenge on to a friend.

Give it 29 days. And remember, it’s been said that it takes 30 days to form a new habit. What will you do on the 30th day?

by Ananaia R O'Leary