Today I lifted my nose from the proverbial grindstone to breathe. Relax. Widen out. Allow. In this easeful liminality, the wonder of Creation crept gently into my Crown chakra. It curled in subtle spirals through my mind, swirling down into my Heart, inviting it to open. Take time for Wonder, my Spirit whispered. Take time to remember your place in this magnificent All.
Author Archives: Ananaia OLeary
Lughnasadh: Celebrate Your Skills
When's the last time you stopped to reflect on all you've accomplished? What you've achieved with your personal skills & gifts? Too often we fixate on what we have yet to attain.
Today, on this sacred Earth Holiday (named for the ancient Irish God of All Skills), take a few mindful moments to make a list of at least 3 (or 9!) things you do well. That's "well" - not necessarily perfectly.
We tend to overlook the things that come easily to us, so be sure to include your most natural qualities & talents, not just the ones you'd had to work hard to develop. This list represents just a few of the ways you are sharing your medicine with the world. Put your list in a place where you will see it every day (on the fridge or on your phone perhaps.)
Now it's time to celebrate & energize these pathways of medicine. For the next 3 (or 9!) days, reflect on one of these qualities or skills. Name it out loud. Energize a candle (a charm candle or tealight will do) with your appreciation for all you have achieved with this skill, your sense of accomplishment & your intention to continue to grow & share your gifts with the world. Set the candle ablaze & let your Light shine!
~ Ananaia O'Leary
Lighten Your Heart With Water & Willow
Has your heart been heavy, holding the record of past sorrows, disappointments or dashed hopes? The Spirits of Water & Willow stand ready to help you release the heaviness in your heart. Of course, healing of deep dynamics does not happen all at once, but this ceremony can help you lighten your heart & step toward a brighter future.
Fill a bowl with clear, cool water. Sit comfortably with the bowl in your lap. Honor the Spirit of Water rippling in the bowl. Prepare to welcome the Spirit of Willow. Sense Sister Willow’s leaves dancing above your Crown as her sweeping branches enfold you. Throughout the ages, Willow has reached into the human heart & called forth the deep flow of emotion. Invite her to share her heart-healing medicine with you.
Willow eases her healing roots gently into your heart, stirring the stagnant energies that pool in its depths, emotions that have burdened your heart for too long. She is not afraid. She shares this fearlessness with you. It is time to release. Lift the bowl & hold it beneath your heart chakra. Breathe in, deeply welcoming Willow. Breathe out, sensing the heaviness in your heart begin to rise in a muddy stream. As you continue to breathe, sense this stream flowing out of your heart into the bowl.
“More room out than in,” Willow whispers. “This is the pain that was. It is no longer yours. No need to keep it. Let it go with love.” Continue to breathe & sense the stream flowing into the bowl. Breathe & allow your heart to be deeply cleansed. Willow is with you. Continue until you sense the flow clear & quiet.
Carry your bowl outside & face West. Reflect upon the contents of your bowl. “This was your past,” Willow reminds you. “It need not be your future.” Lift your bowl & allow its contents to pour out onto the Earth. Ask the Spirit of Water to carry these energies into the past. Sense the lightening in your heart. Thank the Spirits of Water & Willow. Celebrate!
~ Ananaia Rose O'Leary
Growing Corn
Many years ago, I read wise words from a Native American elder. Regrettably, I do not recall this wise man's name, but I remember his words. He told of the many young people who came to him, eager to tell him of their mystical experiences. He would say to them: "Do not tell me your visions unless they can grow corn."
Ever since reading this, I have taken this wisdom to heart. Dreams and visions do not have substance unless we utilize the power of these experiences to create positive, tangible contributions to our lives and our world.
The principle of "growing corn" has become an integral part of my personal journey and my teaching. I have come to know and love Corn Plant Spirit -- an amazing ally, who has been helping me spiritually grow corn and bring forth my authentic expression.
This year, for the first time, I am living in a place where it is possible to literally grow corn. No, not a big farm or field, simply a little strip of earth around my patio in my apartment garden with enough sun to fuel its growth. With the help of a spirit sister with green-thumb magic, 3 beautiful stalks of heirloom corn grew all Summer in my tiny garden.
Harvesting the ears of corn at Summer's end has been a joyful and magical experience. This multi-colored corn is stunning. A reminder of the beauty we add to the world when we grow corn.
by Ananaia R O'Leary
Reassembling Yourself
Shock and stress can cause pieces of your energy field to scatter. When that happens, it's time to reassemble yourself. This shamanic practice calls back scattered pieces that have become hooked outside yourself and supports reintegration and wholeness.
In stressful times, it is supportive to reassemble yourself daily. Doing this regularly helps your energy field maintain its cohesion, even when things are challenging.
Traditionally, this practice is done with a rattle. If you don't have a rattle, you can improvise. Create a rattle by putting a few small objects, such as beans, small pebbles, rice, etc., in a small container like a jar, pill bottle, etc. I once reassembled myself, in a pinch, with a bag of jelly beans. Get creative!
- Notice your state of being.
- Focus on your intent to call back any pieces of your energy that are willing to return at this time.
- You don’t need to track, direct or "go get" the energies. Simply hold your intention gently.
- Begin to rattle steadily with a pace and rhythm which seems natural and comfortable to you.
- Allow your rattle to be a messenger, carrying your intention to the realm of Spirit, creating a carrier wave which calls stray pieces of your energy field home.
- As you rattle, you may sense pieces returning. Breathe deeply and continue to rattle as you welcome their return.
- Rattle until the process feels complete.
- Breathe and rest mindfully as your energy field re-integrates these reclaimed parts.
- Notice your state of being.
~ Ananaia R O'Leary
Easing Shock with Star of Bethlehem Flower Essence
When we're experiencing shock, Star of Bethlehem is a powerful plant ally. When taken in flower essence form, the energy of Star of Bethlehem deeply permeates our energy fields to soothe and stabilize our systems.Star of Bethlehem brings ease and comfort to the places in our psyche which have been recently disrupted and to the deeper places where we hold the memory of past shock. This beautiful plant ally helps to strengthen our capacity to be calm, centered and resilient in the presence of intensity,
Flower essences provide a tangible way to connect to the spiritual energy of plants. Unlike essential oils and tinctures, they do not contain physical plant material. They are water infused with the energetic pattern of the plant (along with a little bit of alcohol as a preservative.) A few drops of the essence under your tongue or in your drinking water delivers the spiritual essence of the plant to your energy field. Star of Bethlehem flower essence is available in most health food stores locally or online. Bach Flower remedies are an established brand, but other options are also available.
~ Ananaia O'Leary
Stressed? Sedate Triple Warmer
When we get really stressed, our Triple Warmer meridian goes into overdrive, fueling our fight-flight-freeze mechanism. Sedating the Triple Warmer meridian can help us calm down, release tension and reduce fear and anxiety.
Please Note: the arrows in this image indicate the flow of the Triple Warmer. To calm it down, you want to brush the meridian in the opposite direction. So start at your temple and end at the fingertip of your ring finger.
Here's how you do it:.
1. Place your right hand flat on your left temple.
2. As you inhale, sweep your hand firmly and steadily along
the triple warmer meridian (pictured above) to the tip of the
ring finger on your left hand, exhaling as you release the
energy through your fingers.
3. Repeat 2 or 3 times on your left side as needed. (You can
do this 4-5x if needed)
4. Repeat on the right side.
from Energy Medicine by Donna Eden
Celebrating Samhain
As the sun sets this evening, the sacred Earth holiday Samhain (pronounced "sow-en") begins. The veils between the planes of consciousness thin, intuition is heightened and the realm of Spirit feels closer and easier to access. After the trick or treating is done, take some time to tune to these deeper currents. Light a candle to honor departed loved ones. Use your favorite cards or runes to divine for messages from your Higher Self & Spirit Allies. As the season of harvest draws to a close and we head into the fallow time of the year, allow that which no longer serves you to shed away and take stock of what will sustain your transition to your next cycle of growth. This is a time of mystery, but - like each day of the year - it is also an occasion for joy. Mull a cup of cider, roast some pumpkin seeds, enjoy a candy apple and celebrate. Samhain blessings!
~ Ananaia O'Leary
Opening Your Soul Star
Over the years, I've learned many techniques for opening sacred space around my personal energy field. Of all these, Opening the Soul Star (or wiracocha as the 8th chakra is called in Quechua) is the most impeccable and effective approach I have found. My thanks to Alberto Villoldo for teaching me this wisdom from the Peruvian shamans.
In this sacred practice, gesture, visualization and intention is used to invite your SoulStar (the 8th chakra) to gentle expand to encompass your auric field from Soul Star (above) to Earth Star (below.) When enfolded in the energy of your Soul Star, your consciousness is elevated, intuition heightened & spirit connection enhanced. Open your Soul Star when you are preparing to do spirit work and close it when you have completed it.
Opening Your Soul Star
- creates sacred space for spirit work
- enfolds you in the luminous energy of Source/Creator Consciousness
- facilitates connection to spirit & intuition
- filters negativity
- raises vibration
- re-informs energy field from Source
- encourages & supports the release of dense energies
- strengthens boundaries of your aura
Open your Soul Star whenever you wish to create sacred space for spirit work such as:
- meditation
- divination
- healing
- calming & centering yourself
- welcoming spirit support & spirit guidance
- opening to intuition
- releasing tension or negativity
- strengthening personal boundaries
- filtering negative energies in your environment
Instructions for Opening Your Soul Star:
- You can do this sitting or standing
- Bring your awareness to Mother Earth
- Salute the Earth by placing your hands on or toward the ground in front of you
- Invite the energies of the Earth to gather in your hands. Important: You don’t need to manipulate or force the energies, simply welcome them with your intent
- Slowly draw the Earth energy up the front of your body in a straight line, offering a blessing from Mother Earth to each chakra from your Earth Star to your SoulStar (8th chakra)
- Hold the golden orb of your Soul Star (8th chakra) in both hands, tuning deeply to this luminous energy
- With ease and appreciation, slowly sweep your hands down toward the Earth, inviting the golden energy of the 8th chakra to flow down 360 degrees around you to form a luminous, spherical mantle of light. When your hands touch the Earth, invite the luminous energy to complete the golden sphere beneath you. Reminder: don't manipulate the energies; simply invite them to move with your intention.
- Rest within this luminous mantle. Notice your state of being. Experience being in this sacred space or do spirit work such as meditation, divination, healing, etc.
- When you have completed your spirit work, it is important to remember to close your luminous mantle (see below.)
- Place or orient your hands towards the Earth and connect to the bottom of the luminous mantle beneath your Earth Star
- Slowly sweep your hands up inviting the energies of your Soul Star to gather back into the golden orb above your head. Important: You don’t need to manipulate or force the energies, simply gather them with your intent
- Pause for a moment to tune to your 8th chakra; gather some of the golden light of the Soul Star in your hands.
- Draw this luminous energy down the front of your body, offering a luminous blessing to each chakra from your Soul Star (8th chakra) through your Earth Star to Mother Earth
by Ananaia O'Leary
Marigold Medicine
As Spring begins, my appreciation for the Green Nations is invigorated. Working with Plant medicine & Plant Spirits is a wonderful blessing. To celebrate & deepen this magical alliance, I'm opening to more connection and knowledge of these beautiful brothers & sisters of the Plant Realm.
Lately, Marigold has been coming on strong. What a potent & lovely member of the Plant clan. Marigold medicine connects us with the joy of the rising sun. On this chilly, I'm welcoming the warmth & beauty of Marigold Plant Spirit.
Marigold, also known as Calendula, has many traditional uses, including lip balm, skin-soothing salve, compresses and more. Learn more
I enjoy working with Marigold at the energetic level. The Spirit of Marigold dances in the fields of energy, strengthening our electrical fields, inviting us to move beyond the superstition of the material. She beckons us to join her in the subtle realms just beyond our conventional senses. What a beautiful invitation!
Recently Marigold has been on the move in my healing work, flowing into tattered places in the energy field, helping to restore structure and revitalize flow. Thank you, sweet Sister, for helping me to look with fresh eyes, understand from new levels and deepen my healing wisdom. Your partnership is whole-heartedly appreciated.
Welcome Marigold to partner with you to strengthen you energy field and enhance your vibrancy. You can do this through meditation, shamanic journey, simple request or with Marigold flower essence.
Shine on, sweet Sister!
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