Time for Wonder
Today I lifted my nose from the proverbial grindstone to breathe. Relax. Widen out. Allow. In this easeful liminality, the wonder of Creation crept gently into my Crown chakra. It curled in subtle spirals through my mind, swirling down into my Heart, inviting it to open. Take time for Wonder, my Spirit whispered. Take time […]
Read MoreLughnasadh: Celebrate Your Skills
When’s the last time you stopped to reflect on all you’ve accomplished? What you’ve achieved with your personal skills & gifts? Too often we fixate on what we have yet to attain. Today, on this sacred Earth Holiday (named for the ancient Irish God of All Skills), take a few mindful moments to make a […]
Read MoreLighten Your Heart With Water & Willow
Has your heart been heavy, holding the record of past sorrows, disappointments or dashed hopes? The Spirits of Water & Willow stand ready to help you release the heaviness in your heart. Of course, healing of deep dynamics does not happen all at once, but this ceremony can help you lighten your heart & step […]
Read MoreGrowing Corn
Many years ago, I read wise words from a Native American elder. Regrettably, I do not recall this wise man’s name, but I remember his words. He told of the many young people who came to him, eager to tell him of their mystical experiences. He would say to them: “Do not tell me your visions unless they can grow corn.”
Read MoreReassembling Yourself
The shamanic practice of Reassembling helps you to reintegrate scattered energy, promoting wholeness and cohesion.
Read MoreEasing Shock with Star of Bethlehem Flower Essence
When we’re experiencing shock, Star of Bethlehem is a powerful plant ally.
Read MoreStressed? Sedate Triple Warmer
When we get really stressed, our Triple Warmer meridian goes into overdrive, fueling our fight-flight-freeze mechanism. Sedating the Triple Warmer meridian can help us calm down, release tension and reduce fear and anxiety. Please Note: the arrows in this image indicate the flow of the Triple Warmer. To calm it down, you want to brush […]
Read MoreCelebrating Samhain
As the sun sets this evening, the sacred Earth holiday Samhain (pronounced “sow-en”) begins. The veils between the planes of consciousness thin, intuition is heightened and the realm of Spirit feels closer and easier to access. After the trick or treating is done, take some time to tune to these deeper currents. Light a candle […]
Read MoreOpening Your Soul Star
Over the years, I’ve learned many techniques for opening sacred space around my personal energy field. Of all these, Opening the Soul Star (or wiracocha as the 8th chakra is called in Quechua) is the most impeccable and effective approach I have found. My thanks to Alberto Villoldo for teaching me this wisdom from the […]
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