Activating the Chakras in Your Feet
The chakras in the bottom of our feet help to connect us to the Earth’s energy field. Shoes, concrete and the stresses of modern life can cause these energy centers to become congested and closed. When this happens, the energetic exchange betweeen us the Mother is curtailed, making it hard for us to release unwanted […]
Read MoreFeelings Flow
Feelings flow. They are energy moving through us, creating a vibrant connection with the living web. Where our energy fields are clear and thriving, feelings move in a pure nourishing current, uplifting and enlivening us. Where our energy fields are blocked and dysfunctional, pure feeling distorts into raw emotion. Emotion is pure feeling under pressure. […]
Read MoreMind A-Whirl? Try These Tips
Is your mind a-whirl? Cluttered with plans & possibilities or fears & frustrations? When the mind is buzzing, it can be very difficult to hear the calm, still voice of intuition. We can scheme & strategize, but, in this mental mode, we have only intellect & past precedent to draw upon. This can severely limit […]
Read MoreCatalyzing Clarity
Clarity is such a blessing. When we are clear, we can move forward with confidence. When we are muddled, momentum slows and tension rises. Often we try to push forward, despite confusion. The results are seldom satisfactory. Angeles Arrien, writer, cultural anthropologist and medicine woman, once wrote: When we are not clear, we wait. There […]
Read MoreTrusting Your Creations Begins with a Liminal Pause
I can trust myself as a perfect and luminous Creator. What an amazing discovery this has been! The light of this awareness has been slowly dawning over the past few years, as I’ve come into the recognition that every experience is a perfect gift from my Higher Self, my Spirit. And this is true for you […]
Read MoreQuiet for the Quickening
Imbolc is a sacred Earth Holiday with ancient roots & modern relevance. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, it is the time of the quickening. The first stirrings of Spring in the Earth. A perfect time to slow our activity, quiet our minds & dissolve our inner chatter to a sacred stillpoint. In this keen quiet, […]
Read MoreCalling Out Your Spirit
At the luminous core, we are medicine. Light and love emerges from within us, seeking expression. Where it finds a clear path, it pours out uplifting the world with healing, harmony and wholeness. Where it is blocked or impeded, the light of our being bends into shadow, expressing in ways which create challenge and suffering. But whether […]
Read MoreAlign with the Luminous
The Luminous is Source Consciousness existing within all form, manifesting as light, expressing as love. We are luminous: our souls, our cells, our sacred spirits and our blessed bodies. Everything we see, touch, taste, know, feel and are – is light manifesting as both matter and energy, particle and wave. Matter is consciousness experiencing itself in finite […]
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