The Munay-Ki Rites are 9 energetic initiations, which come to us from the shamans of Peru. These rites help us to evolve as humans, to grow our capacity for love & to become who we were born to be.
Munay-Ki (moon-eye-key) means both I love you and Be as thou art: a beautiful reminder that love arises from what is most authentic within us & that to be ourselves is to be love & be worthy of love.
The energy of each of these rites is transmitted from giver to recipient through a simple ceremony. The rites are planted in your field & grow as you tend them.
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When humans migrated onto this continent across the Bering Strait, we carried with us the seeds of human evolution, in our DNA & in our Spirits. Throughout the long ages, the shamans of the Americas tended these seeds through sacred rites designed to help us grow & evolve as individuals & as a species. After the Conquest, much of this wisdom was lost, but the Q'ero people of Peru took their knowledge & traditions high into the Andes to preserve these teachings for humanity.
Now this wisdom has come down from the mountains. We are living in a Pachakuti, a time of great change. In this time of shift, the elders received the message: it is time to share what has been preserved. Thanks to their stewardship, we are now able to receive the blessings of the Munay-Ki Rites.
The rites are energetically transmitted through a simple ceremony. We will explore the benefits of each rite and learn how to tend them through simple practices, which help them grown and flourish within you.
Along with the rites, you will be taught practices for strengthening your rites, including breathwork, mindfulness and fire ceremony (which can be done with a candle.) The benefits of the rites deepen over time as they grow within you, unfolding a transformational journey which helps you to unleash your authentic expression.
These rites connect you to 3 lineages in human consciousness, dedicated to our planet's journey to Love. These lineages are comprised of luminous Spirit Allies, who offer you loving support for your Luminous Becoming & call you to join them in service to the evolution of humanity & our planet.
The ancient prophecies of the Americas teach that we are entering a new stage of human evolution, which will allow us to fully manifest our transcendent nature. This time of great change, known as the Pachakuti, will be unfolding for the next 10,000 years. The Pachakuti Rites help you to harmoniously align with this process of Luminous Becoming.